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Lesson 11 – CODE OF CONDUCT – Loyalty





A.  Vision for manhood – a man is someone who takes action, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects a greater reward – God’s reward


B.  Code of Conduct – how we act even when nobody’s looking


C.  Lives for a higher cause – God’s glory


II. Lesson 11 code of conduct: Loyalty.


1/ What is Loyalty, what does the word mean?


Loyalty is a relationship of committment to someone else.

-Faithfulness to commitments or obligations.


2/ What relationship has strong committment vows ?




3/ Why is it important to be loyal?


- Trust is built on it, in all kinds of relationships. (families, friends, jobs, people toward governments, also… knights!)

 - Bonds of love would not survive without it. Loyalty puts others first.


4/  What is disloyalty based in ?


- Selfishness. In the world today being loyal is not as valued as it once was. One of the reasons for this is
A turning away from God, and trusting in self.


- We see this most clearly in the breakdown in marriages today. About ½ of all marriages end in divorce. This is an affront to God, who created the bond of marriage for life, and to be a picture of the relationship between Man and God


5/ what does the bible say about loyalty ?


- Jesus said if you give up your life for him, you will truly have life.  if you want to be his disciple you must hate all other relationships compared to the loyalty you must have for Him (Luke 14:26). This is because only he knows how your life needs to be lived. That is exteme loyalty!


- Also,  part of the fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness, which is an important aspect of loyalty. (Galatians 5) So God helps us be loyal.


6/ Jesus was the extreme example of loyalty


-   He was obedient to His father to the point of death, death on the cross. (Philippians 2)


-   And he said « I am with you always, even to the end of the age ». (Matthew 28:20)


7/ Knights had to be loyal to :


- The King

 - To God
 - To each other

…In order to fulfill their duty and fulfill their calling.


8/ What about you ?


- Can others depend on you to be loyal to them?

- Can others depend on you to be loyal to them?

- When we proclaim our loyalty to someone, we are saying that nothing will cause us to break that relationship.

- If things change in the relationship, or feelings get hurt, will we still be loyal?



When I am loyal to my family I will:


When I am loyal to my friends I will :


When I am loyal to my school I will :


When I am loyal to God I will:



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