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Lesson 13 – CODE OF CONDUCT – Diligence





A.  Vision for manhood – a man is someone who takes action (rejects passivity), accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and expects a greater reward – God’s reward


B.  Code of Conduct – how we act when nobody’s looking


C.  Lives for a higher cause – God’s glory


II. CODE OF CONDUCT – Diligence: working hard until the task is done


A. Diligence defined - careful and persistence work or effort

i.Careful relates to attention to quality, timeliness, cost

ii.Persistence relates to sticking with it until the work of effort is finished


B. Why is diligence important?

i.It reflects well on our Master – be disciples of Christ and glorify God

ii.It enables God’s purpose to be fulfilled through us

iii.It builds trust with others

iv.It enables us to serve effectively in whatever capacity


C. How do we become more diligent?

i.Find our passion in a higher cause (Luke 12:34)

ii.Feed our passion by drawing closer to our Master (James 4:8)

iii.Remove distractions (James 1:21)

iv.Pray for God’s help (John 15:7)

v.Practice discipline (1 Cor. 9:27)


D. Diligence and the Gospel

i.We are saved by repenting and trusting in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins

ii.We who believe and are trusting in Christ have “rest” in him

iii.However, we are called to be active and diligent in response to what he has done to bring glory to God and bless others





A. Diligence flow from our hearts desire(s)

B. Diligence is a matter of disciple

C.The objective of our diligence is important




And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. Colossians 3:23


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10


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